Invited Talks
(2023). “Conversaciones a la intemperie: En finir avec le capitalisme thérapeutique (2022), de Josep Rafanell i Orra,” part of a series curated by Gerardo Muñoz (Lehigh University), in collaboration with 17, Institute of Critical Studies & ArtHaus Artist Residency, April 13, 2023. Recording.
(2023). “Conversación a la intemperie: The Politics of Immortality in Rosenzweig, Barth and Goldberg (2022), de Mårten Björk,” part of a series curated by Gerardo Muñoz (Lehigh University), in collaboration with 17, Institute of Critical Studies & ArtHaus Artist Residency, January 10, 2023. Recording.
(2022). “Communitas: beyond the common,” Pensamiento político italiano contemporáneo conference series, coordinated by Gerardo Muñoz, 17, Instituto de Estudios Críticos, June 15th.
(2022). “Conversación a la intemperie: La Révolution par l’amitié (2022), de Dionys Mascolo,” part of a series curated by Gerardo Muñoz (Lehigh University), in collaboration with 17, Institute of Critical Studies & ArtHaus Artist Residency, March 11th. Podcast.
(2019). “Traduction et désastre,” Faculté des lettres et sciences humaines, Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.
(2018). “Media: In the Mood for Modes,” For Whom Media Matter III, McLuhan Center, Toronto.
(2018). “Camera Obscura Outside Its Place,” Toronto Film & Media Seminar, TIFF Bell Lighthbox, Toronto.
(2015). “State of Exception Cities: 2013 Boston and Istanbul”, Archipelago [audio podcast].
(2014). “Communauté, sociétés et autres mondes partagés,” School of Sociological and Anthropological Studies, University of Ottawa, Ottawa.
Conferences Presentations & Organizations
(2022). “An Uncommon Friendship: Interrupting Politics,” World Fictions of Friendship in Critical Times, Graduate Colloquium, York University, held virtually, March 18, 2022.
(2022, event organizer). Seminar by Adam Kotsko, Assistant Professor (North Central College): “Modernity’s Original Sin,” Centre for Comparative Literature, University of Toronto, March 14, 2022.
(2021, organizing committee). Public Lecture by Elizabeth Reich, Associate Professor (University of Pittsburgh): “Black Time, Technics, and the Haptic,” “Spiral Talks” Lecture, held virtually June 25, 2021.
(2021). “Imagining Giorgio Agamben” American Comparative Literature Association, seminar “Agamben’s Later Works,” held virtually April 8-11, 2021.
(2020). “A Scratch Odyssey: Cinema’s Haunting Dislocations,” Immersivity And Technological Innovations, International and interdisciplinary colloquium, October 26-31, Université de Montréal / McGill University.
(2020, postponed, organizing committee). Interruptions, 5th Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference, Toronto.
(2020, cancelled). “Fiction scientifique du langage: traduire et communiquer le désastre à venir,” 88th Congress Association canadienne-française pour l’avancement des sciences, May 7th, Sherbrooke. Archive.
(2020, cancelled). “Agamben & The Image,” American Comparative Literature Association, March 19-22, Chicago.
(2020, postponed, organizing committee). Facing The Future – Translation and Technology, 11th Annual Glendon Graduate Student Conference in Translation Studies, March 14th, York University, Glendon Campus, Toronto. Held in 2021.
(2019). “Imaginer le collectif littéraire : Examen du trait iconographique chez Tiqqun et le Comité invisible,” La littérature contemporaine au collectif, November 21-22, Université de Sherbrooke à Longueuil, Montréal.
(2019). “Work Beyond Value: The Image in Giorgio Agamben’s Thought,” 2019 World Picture Conference, November 8-9, University of Toronto, Toronto.
(2019). “Gilbert Simondon et le sunolon : une contribution à la question de l’être,” The Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy, September 26-28, Bishop’s University, Lennoxville.
(2019). “Éléments de définition d’une posture cannibale au féminin chez Nicole Caligaris et Maryse Condé,” co-presentation with Marie-Hélène Larochelle, Colloque annuel de l’APFUCC Monstruosité(s) du réel dans le roman des femmes, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.
(2019). “Mécrire le monde. Littérature trébuchante chez Philippe Muray,” Les sources de la violence. Mesures de la cruauté et de la méchanceté dans le discours littéraire, May 19-20, Ryerson University & University of Toronto, Toronto.
(2019, organizing committee). Les sources de la violence. Mesures de la cruauté et de la méchanceté dans le discours littéraire, May 19-20, Ryerson University & University of Toronto, Toronto.
(2019, organizing committee). It’s Alive! Film/Form/Life, 4th Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference, May 17-18, Toronto.
(2019, event organizer). Public Lecture by Adam Kotsko, Assistant Professor (North Central College): “Neoliberalism’s Demons,” April 26, Ryerson University, Toronto.
(2019). “Unfashionable Literature for Disjointed Times: The Work of Philippe Muray,” Centre for Comparative Literature’s 29th Annual Conference: Timepieces, March 29-30, University of Toronto, Toronto.
(2019, organizing committee). Biopolitics: In Many Ways, Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, February 16, Ryerson University, Toronto.
(2019, event organizer). Public Lecture by Elettra Stimilli, Associate Professor (Sapienza University of Rome): “Debt: A Political Philosophical Issue,” January 16, Ryerson University, Toronto.
(2018). “Moving Multitude: A Challenge for Imagination,” 7th International Conference on Image and Imagery, Brock University, St. Catharines.
(2018). “A haunting mediation: from incommunicability to untranslatability,” 6th Derrida Today Conference, May 23-26, Concordia University, Montreal.
(2018). “Space Out of Joint: Toward a Theory of Revenant Media”, Thinking Space, 3rd Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference, May 11-12, Toronto, Ontario.
(2018, organizing committee). Thinking Space, 3rd Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference, May 11-12, Toronto.
(2017). “On Truth As A Moment Of The False. The Camera Obscura’s Ēthos”, 2017 World Picture Conference, November 10-11, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario.
(2017). “Mediating Heidegger: ēthos as space creation”, Heidegger: Dwelling, Thinking, and the Ethical Life, October 27-29, Centre for Advanced Research in European Philosophy, King’s University College, London, Ontario.
(2017). “Towards a Co-ontology of Media”, Canadian Communication Association (CCA) Annual Conference, May 30-June 2, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario.
(2017). “Mediation as spacing: defiling authenticity”, Authentic Artifice, 3rd International Colloquium – International Society for Intermedial Studies, May 18-20, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec.
(2017). “Lucus a non lucendo: Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia for the Light”, Love and Death, 2nd Spiral Film and Philosophy Conference, May 12-13, Toronto, Ontario.
(2017). “L’hystérèse médiatique chez David Foster Wallace”, L’invention littéraire des médias. Du daguerréotype aux tablettes numériques, international conference, April 27-29, Cinémathèque québécoise, Montreal, Quebec.
(2017). “Between purification and communication: genealogy of the city as a site of tension”, Toxic/cities, 19th Annual Graduate Student Conference, March 2-4, Western University, London, Ontario.
(2016). “En commun: intraduisible, incommunicable”, International Conference On Language and Culture Contact, Center for Research on Language and Culture Contact (CRLCC), Glendon College, York University, Toronto.
(2016, panel organizer). “Translating Communication”, International Conference On Language and Culture Contact, Center for Research on Language and Culture Contact (CRLCC), Glendon College, York University, Toronto.
(2016, organizing committee). International Conference On Language and Culture Contact, Center for Research on Language and Culture Contact (CRLCC), Glendon College, York University, Toronto.
(2016, co-director) Cinéma et médias. Identités transitives, deuxième colloque doctoral du GRAFICS, Université de Montréal, Montréal.
(2016) “Global Civil War: A Primer”, Fourteenth Annual Meeting of the Cultural Studies Association, Villanova University, Villanova.
(2016). “Gilbert Simondon and the psychosocial reality of cinema”, Coming to Terms with Film-Philosophy, York University, Toronto.
(2016). “Penser entre l’identité humaine et le microbiome: une perspective médiatique”, co-presentation with Sarah Choukah, 84e du Congrès de l’Acfas, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal.
(2015). “Unworking biopolitics: an unqualified form of life-in-common”, The 29th Annual Conference of Society of Science, Literature and the Arts (SLSA), Rice University, Houston.
(2015). “Une ontologie médiatique à l’oeuvre dans la pensée de Gilbert Simondon”, Conference of the Canadian Communication Association (CCA), University of Ottawa, Ottawa.
(2015). “L’intime en commun. L’événement fragile du politique”, International Conference: être | intime | politique, Jean-Luc Nancy, University of Athens, Athens.
(2015). “La partie sans le tout : note sur la participation désœuvrante”, Colloque du doctorat conjoint en communication, Université du Québec à Montréal, Montreal.
(2014). “From the Middle to the Milieu: The Medium as a Coexistential Problem”, The Fifteenth Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association, Ryerson University, Toronto.
(2013). “Nature humaine et vie en commun : problématisation d’un idéal”, Troisième colloque interdisciplinaire sur la nature humaine, Université de Montréal, Montréal.
(2012). “Getting Lost Together. Reflexion On A Damaged Community”, Canadian Communication Association Annual Conference, Wilfrid Laurier University and the University of Waterloo, Waterloo.
(2010). “The Loser and Us: Living Together in the Age of Excommunication”, The Eleventh Annual Convention of the Media Ecology Association, University of Maine, Orono.
(2006). “Bartleby, loose subject”, 74e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), McGill University, Montreal.
(2005). “L’éthique du joueur d’échecs: l’étudiant et le pouvoir”, L’échiquier du présent: généalogie de la biopolitique, Université de Montréal, Montreal.
(2005, organizing committee). “L’éthique du joueur d’échecs: l’étudiant et le pouvoir”, L’échiquier du présent: généalogie de la biopolitique, Université de Montréal, Montreal.
(2005). “Devenir liminal dans Vendredi ou les Limbes du Pacifique de Michel Tournier”, 73e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Université du Québec à Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi.
(2004). “Problématisation du phénomène blockbuster”, 72e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), Université du Québec à Montréal, Montréal.
(2001). “Les blockbusters ont la parole”, 69e Congrès de l’Association francophone pour le savoir (ACFAS), l’Université de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke.